File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 kmrfsplit.pyKMR-Shell File Splitter Job-Script Generator Job-Script Generator
 kmrwrapper.pyKMR-Shell File Spliter and Job-Script Generator
 kmrdp.cppMPI-DP Implementation with KMR
 kmrrun.cKmrrun is command line version of KMR and it runs a MapReduce program whose mapper and reducers are user specified programs
 mpi_pi.mapper.cExample for KMRRUN
 mpi_pi.reducer.cExample for KMRRUN
 pi.mapper.cExample for KMRRUN
 pi.reducer.cExample for KMRRUN
 kmrshell.cKMR-Shell for Streaming
 kmrshell_mpi.cKmrshell_mpi is command line version of KMR and it runs a MapReduce program whose mapper and reducers are user specified MPI programs
 kmrshuffler.cKMR-Shell Shuffler
 wc.mapper.cExample for KMR shell command pipeline
 wc.reducer.cExample for KMR shell command pipeline
 kmr.hKMR Interface
 kmraltkvs.cOther Key-Value Stream Implementations
 kmratoa.cCommunication Routines
 kmrbase.cKMR Base Implementation (on-memory operations)
 kmrckpt.cCheckpoint/Restart Support
 kmrckpt.hCheckpoint/Restart Support
 kmrf.F90KMR Fortran Binding
 kmrfefs.cLustre File-System (or Fujitsu FEFS) Support
 kmrfefs.hLustre File System (or Fujitsu FEFS) Support
 kmrfiles.cFile Access Support
 kmrimpl.hUtilities Private Part (do not include from applications)
 kmriolb.cLoad balanced MapReduce based on data locality
 kmrisort.cSorter on Long Integers
 kmrmapms.cMaster-Slave Mapping on Key-Value Stream
 kmrmoreops.cMore Operatons on Key-Value Stream
 kmrtrace.cKMRViz tracing Support
 kmrtrace.hKMRViz tracing Support
 kmrwatch0.cKMR Spawned Program Wrapper